Tuesday 30 October 2012

Colour Keys

So I tried to whip up some colour keys a few weeks ago, except I wasn't getting very far, and I wasn't happy with the results. I decided that I might have more luck doing just the 10% (we're to have 10% of our film (so 15 seconds) completely finished before Christmas), and it turns out I did! I'm stilll not happy with the style I painted it in, but that's not how it'll be painted in the final film, so it's not a problem. I am however, happy with the colours. I think the exterior scenes are cold, and the interior ones are nice and cosy.

I used Paul Abadilla's lovely Color Script Exercise as a guide, and found it extremely helpful. You can find his here.

Sunday 7 October 2012


Well, this is my very first post! This is my humble wee blog, dedicated to documenting my 4th year at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, at which I study animation.

I’m directing 2 films at the moment. The first is a 2D production, with a team of 5, by the name of ‘Fearg Na Mara,’ (or ‘Wrath of the Sea,’ if you don’t speak Gaelic,) although to be honest, I’ll probably just refer to it as ‘Kelpies,’ 99% of the time. The film is set in the Highlands of Scotland, and is about a young boy who ventures out on the sea in his dinghy, and meets the Kelpies, mysterious horse-spirits of the water. This is my primary project, so most work that I post shall be from this production.

The second film is ‘Dancing Nina,’ co-directed by Slava Lawson. It’s inspired by the poem ‘Dancing Nina,’ by Halina Poswiatowska, and is a dance sequence, between a woman and her lost lover, with an unhappy ending. (find out more at dancingnina.blogspot.com)

As part of our brief this year, we’re to have 2 ‘specialisms,’ so as well as direction, I’ll also be doing character animation on both of these films, amongst other things.

I’ll be posting my work as much as I can, which will include work from both films, as well as life drawing and personal work.